Today, April 12, it is a day for Space celebrations. 50 years downstream it looks like a true miracle for the layman; the achievements done in the name of political -and not so much political- wars were all the great, no doubt the human mind was overstretched. Now the findings and goals reached during those years are sitting collecting dust -like the computers in the nuclear shelter at the end of Terminator 3- and memories do not shine.
On April 12, 1933 my aunt C. was born. An authoritative woman, remained single her whole life. As time passed by, the last years have seen her deteriorate, a mental fade-out. She might be in a similar groove as the one her older brother trailed upon until his death, the same one fate could be saving for me. I used to be her favourite. I used to join her and her sister, M.C. for dinner on Sundays, with more zeal and faithfulness than a priest to the Holy Mass, a bunch of years ago already: "How do you find the flounder?... It's and splendid one. It cost me 650 pesetas (about 4 euros)". Laziness and evil are taken over, as the weeds in a forsaken garden: today my call half bother her, half make her indifferent.
This is getting too personal, I guess. Publish it, quick! Or I'll erase it.
Well, have nothing to spare. My Self belongs to Him.
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