G. asked for photographs of the heat exchanger. Here it is one. I built it with my own hands; I have not used my hands for many things in my life apart from holding a pen or a ball, warm up the pockets and... Well, you know. So I am proud of my heat exchanger... If it works, I'll be prouder: 7.5 meters of copper tube, 15-mm diameter, to remove 3.5 kW by means of water flowing at 10 L/min, if its inner temperature is 15 Celsius. Oil temperature must remain still at 21 Celsius. His name is Sebastian. Unfortunately, in summer temperature can go up to 18 or 19. Flow rate must be up to 20 - 22 L/min, but it can be done: pressure drop is not an issue and I have that flow available.
Your hands are an attribute of capital importance. Have you realize how much you can do with your hands? Take a hand-shake, for instance: you could speak out the Bible by doing hand-shakes. It is a prodigy, a marvel of Evolution.
Do you want to know what I am doing now with my hands?... Well, knitting! But I can only "do" cast-it-on, I think it is called, and not very well, look here!
It could be a jacket for Sebastian, hm?
What a feeling, man! Do things with your hands!... .
"Sebastian" because of "Pipe" Organs...?