Saturday, October 22, 2011

The King's speech

If I were the King of Spain –or His Heir, the Prince-, I would request a space of 7 minutes in all networks of TV and radio at peak-hour, dinner time or lunch time on Sunday, and this is what I would say about the statement of Eta on the end of the terrorist actions:
“Dear Spaniards: The importance and transcendence of the new developments regarding the recent statement of Eta have urged me to appear before all you, my dear fellow citizens, on the grounds of my duties as the Head of State and the responsibilities I hold before you.
I would like to convey a clear, crystalline message to our Evil enemy, Eta, and have you all, friends and decent fellows, be witness of my determination.
This is a message for the assassins of Eta: you must not forget what we cannot forget, that you are a disgusting collection of reptiles, like the ones you show in your anagram. You are, above all, a gang of cruel terrorists, grown blind for any sense of goodness and respect for the highest of the gifts: the human life.
You have just said that you won’t kill no more. Unfortunately, we have no reasons to believe you. How many times have you say it? And how many times was your statement a painful lie? You’ve cowardly appeared before a camera without revealing your identity and made a provocative and bully speech, untrue and violent itself, a bare offense to ourselves with no respect for our freedom and sovereignty and without any apology to the sorrows and pains of your victims, many Basques among them.
In any case, even if your statement were, against all the laws of Nature, genuine or, as it looks, the result of a mere political, cold and frivolous calculation you shall mark my words: we won’t stop prosecuting you! We won’t stop tracing you with all the power of the law and the instruments of the Righteous State; we won’t stop against you until seen your rotten souls judged and condemned. We won’t stop the fight until Justice is prevailed.
You can also be sure that we won’t restrict the efforts to the peoples of your network, but we will invest whatever money and resources shall be needed to prosecute unfaithful politicians and Security Agents who have betrayed the spirit of the Nation to which they represent and they swore to represent.
From this very moment on, we will occupy ourselves to the best of our ability in a wide international campaign to isolate Eta. You have been unfairly condoned by international media and agents and this has gone too far. We won’t stop until the rest of the world knew by heart your true face.
You have my word of King.
Good night”.

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