Monday, December 12, 2011

7 Billion

About a month or two ago, I heard timid echoes of the alarm sirens launched by some as we hit -so they say- the 7-billion-of-humans barrier on Earth. However, it seems to me that the alarms should be set all the way around: the world as we know it is getting older and older. The only countries booming children are those around and below the African Ecuador. All the rest are getting older. Japan is the worst case, but Spain is not a promising one, and the situation of Germany is delicate, for instance. The examples are numberless: general debacle. Even Arabic countries.


I guess explanations are to be found for each specific country and, within one, for each specific area or region. Perhaps, given the general tendency, it may exist general explanations.

Nevertheless, let me point out here two main ways to address the situation. On one side, the global dynamics: we are too many, can we afford it?, the planet is crowded. On the other, the local, dynamics: social and cultural considerations, values and principles, history, economy, pensions, family and personal relations in localized states.

Unfortunately, it seems to be more appealing for the catastrophic mind to focus on the first dimension. However, the tangled implications, arduous complexities and transcendental beauty of the problem relies on the second one.

A book for Christmas: "El Suicidio Demografico de Espana", by Alejandro Macarron.


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