Thursday, May 24, 2012

Redemption song

It sounds truthful that the Hebrew people, time before the Greek enthroned Nature against Man, developed the linear concept of Existence and bestowed History -God's History- with the unique power to redeem: everything will be fulfilled at the end of times. In his own particular way, though not original, Marx leaned such power on the evolution of History as well, and exerted an endless influence later on.  Reality has hardly accompanied the predictions of Marx, nevertheless, but the purifying power of History endured. Until the fire of the ordeal come at the very end, Revolution sets the path. In times of the Soviet Union, two main political-philosophical options were available: either the State of Terror and Revolution was extended to the whole world by means of the Atomic menace, or the time for ripen Capitalism to fell was awaited. But Capitalism never failed; on the contrary, the predicted crisis  of Marx, every ten or eleven years, became more and more apart, and Capitalism seemed to grow stronger despite all.

History has lost Its meaning in the Western world today and, if any, I dare say that It remains in the burning sense of Unity and Totalitarism of the Islamic republics and gangs. The Revolution is still there for them, who are willing to make everyone participant of it by means of terror and imposition. But they also await on Capitalism to break, in the name of any faked Arab spring, followed by the Winter of intolerant Islam.

Again, I say, History faded out in the Western world but, in spite of this,  individuals still tend to believe in a special History written for them. At least, I do. I am still waiting for my little sunshine which will make the tender chicks to break the hatch of my fate. A fate, of course, that I deserve clear and rich. I know -though I don't want to believe- it is a mistake. I like believing, though, it will really happen. "Typically", wrote Susan Sontag, "writer's notebooks are crammed with statements about the will: the will to write, the will to love, the will to renounce love, the will to go on living. The journal is where the writer is heroic to himself. In it he exists solely as perceiving, suffering, struggling being". This it is: we become masters of our unique and well-deserved History on which we wait to be saved.


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