Sunday, April 8, 2012


Amidst beer, fancy dresses and, later, the music of the Doors, S. -who is not a believer- carved an interesting point: "we don't go to Church anymore; we don't reflect anymore". This morning, the noise of the vacuum celebration and tired pomposity at Saint Paul corroborated the statement, no doubt. Upon my personal darkness of sins and corners, quite a few friendly beams of light shone today nevertheless. Not clean or angelical ones_ purity does not exist. I don't feel great nor high now, but certainly am grateful for them.

Another great reflection came through this. The singer is already 50; the gloomy realization is that I understand him... We understand... And we are not even 35... Mud and aspirations, that is a human being: a waterfowl struggling to lift away from a stain of oil.


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