To whom it might concern:
1. This blog is an exercise of continuous writing in English, language which is not my first. I determined my self to publish and show one new column every day but, much intently, no less, and no more. Though I may dislike some of the postings in a later moment, whole or partially, or just regret an unfortunate sentence, considered unnecessary on a second thought, I discipline my self to not modifying anything once the "Publish Post" button has been pressed. Presently, I only made a change so far, which is to use "Growing Pains" as the title for the post originally published under "Fatherly Advice".
2. As head of this blog the three first verses of Dante´s Inferno shall appear. I acknowledge now that I have not read Dante´s Divina Commedia so far, but those verses made a lively impression on me, first time I took notice of them. At that moment, I found myself as lost as the poet in a tupid, dark, rain forest, lured by evil, and having "the beast in me caged in fragile bars" strugling to break free. The verses just fit to tight to my impressions. I am about the same age Dante was when wrote the Inferno, and -as I have wondered how I will die-, believe that am close about the middle of my life, as well. From here, the title for this blog came readily. Too tremendous? Well, these are my frightens.
3. You shall not find in this blog any contents of pornography or explicit sex, nor any ilegality, nor any call for uncivil actions. Every other time you will find bad language, because its use will seem to be a better option to convey a message or, paradoxically, is even more aesthetical.
4. I am fascinated with the dark sides of human beings, those creatures who, despite their resilency and stunning capacities, can be as fragile and frailty as fine glass.
5. I declare here a strong commitment with sincerity. I am a truth and trustful guy, you have my word for it. All pieces of information, documents, assertions, stories and anecdotes are veridic to the best of my knowledge, and do not pursue any conceal purpose or to deceive. Although, I take exaggerations and, sometimes, boutades a most useful polisher and literary tool for situations where facts are not primordial.
6. "The foremost of all the forces that drive the world is falsehood", stated J. F. Revel. Lie and falacy is a necessary overcoat of wide collars to protect our inners from the external menaces, a sort of tight gabardine suited for our psycologies. I state now my commitment with truth and the disposal of such accesories. Most of all, I shall appear naked if needed, though I will feel uncomfortable.
7. You might find some or many of my ideas and thoughts unfocused, biased, deviated, even distorted, erroneous or ridiculous, perhaps some of them stupid or nonsensical, that´s ok. Complementary to statement 5, I want to claim here my right of being wrong as part of my undeniable freedom of expression.
8. This blog and its contents, letter by letter are my property, and I am the responsible for it, but only for it.
This is my game, these are my rules.
Alberto H. Barral
December 2010
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