In our desperate seek of fotune, we are inexorably animated by a centrifugal force or outbound stress that lead us away: new experiences, new people, new places. A nebulose of thatches of light diverge then our vision in an array of luminosity as much rich as vague. But even the most adventurous idles return to their origines at some point in life or even with a certain periodicity and, at once, all thin, needle-like threads of light converge into a clear vision. The come-back home operates a similar effect as that of an Iceland Crystal when moved into the right spot against a light _A clear and distinc stream, though an unique one in the case.
With all the visual angles converging, the outsider grasps an unique sensation of himself, and even the new events from abroad stand anew and fresh. So it is such a strong centripetal push that yield to a truthful sense of ourselves.
I always have this kind of feeling when I come back. My would-be brother-in-law just recalled to Juan Ramón Jiménez´s walk to see his town after he came back from the States. Very so indeed, the best perspective of the world is the one you fancy from home as it is the prayer that comes in secret after the battle amidst the crowds. Noli foras ire... .
The merging of diffracted vision into a well-defined thread of light upon my come back today, the melting of complexities in fundamental emotions and memories made me feel as one more in the lot, just a ordinary man going through life. Above all names and pretensions, hopes and presumptions, credulities and falacies, wants and impatiences, goals and deceptions, failures and successes, I am no more that a young, ordinary man, whose only touch of uniqueness -a blessing indeed- is being loved by a mother.
Salamanca, España
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