It is quite intriguing to me how two modelic and smart, very controversial and independent journalists in Spain today, -made themselves free against charges and offenses of all types from the bad guys of the establishment; two genuine drinkers of the bitter chalice all year round- have allowed theirs sons to write irrelevant and, perhaps, pretentious comments in Libertad Digital (LD), the online paper their parents founded, an oasis of fresh, brilliant ideas, at least in 2003 when I started reading it.
Let me see if I can understand it on my own in the time I write this.
On the son´s shore, it is not big deal; most of the young are all irrelevant and rampantly pretentious -I was, I am, although I wish I wasn´t. There are positive angles, though, from where to see the diamond. My experience is that being abroad is not necesarily an easy mosaic of wild parties but, in turns, can be quite difficult and lonesome. In addition, I like to believe that to feel the urgency of writing or communicating your experiences -a sharp break in the so-far familiar world- reflects the surface of an interior stream of water that needs to be brought outside and overflow. And that might be a good thing, the due raw material from which to set the mechanisms in motion and conduct the internal energy somewhere else. (Of course, it is not neccesarily a good thing).
If the parents are the ones who asked their sons to write, the proposal only makes sense to me if the boys are to account for those articles as experience overseas (but not in Spain). Otherwise, the work will only suit them to remain in the warmth of the friends circle created by their parents, mainly one of them; anywhere else in Spain, they will be totally unremarkable at best, unless they prove themselves on their own.
My surprise, though, is with the writing intself in LD. The paper might lose quality and credibility, if it´s too much. LD started mainly as a collection of comments and opinions in columns precisely and brilliantly written. It blew out my mind when I discovered it, because nowhere else I could readily hear such points of view (those of liberalism, in European sense), without smear and offense; the age of Internet allowed also for complementing any particular insight in dozens of places more, thorugh other original readings and audio and video files. In a nutshell, LD was an oasis in an ocean of correctness and controlled hypocrisy.
And my only point of view is that LD should remain this: a sharp blade against mediocrity. Due to its contents and demands, writing in LD for a youngster should be like reaching heaven, an achievement of tremendous proportions.
Other questions are: what Jimenez Losantos and Cesar Vidal do think about it? What is it their stand on the quality of theis sons´ columns?... Oh, oh, perhaps... They were not the ones who asked... Someone like the editor (a youngster) gives a ring to one of them and says: I will ask your son (or daughter) to write an article about.... Then, they argue a little and finally, the answer: well, ok, ask him (her) and see what he (she) thinks. Or, could the kids themselves have entreated to write?
If I were a journalist and had the chance to interview them, that would be certainly questions I´d make. It is a very surprising and interesting topic to me, you know? This loving-obligated, father-son type of priviledge relationship. Where does it come from? Why? What is its nature?
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