Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Too much energy

London was indeed beautiful today. The weather is being wonderful for about a month already and even the rain seems sunny. Tones and textures of sky and showers of different lights come and go during the day, in fact, pop in and out hundreds of times in just a few hours. The town is like a actress or a clown rehearsing costumes. In sunny intervals, even the breeze is luminous; in cloudy periods, it turns green as the urban forest (which tends to be this town) dances in huge patches of that color. Gardens, squares and parks are lovely at lunch time; when it comes appropriate I keep thinking how simple and totally inexpensive is to sit on the grass, grab a sandwich and pause for a breath. Light overflows from 5.30 am till more than 8.30 pm. Who said the weather was terrible in this town?

Got to walk through Theobald Rd at lunch time to buy something for the research set-up (I dislike, don't know why, the word "rig"). And there is this placard stuck in a window pane: "Thought for the day: Nietzsche_ Is Man God's Gubler or is God Man's?". I don't understand it. Do you?

I have not being without thoughts today, though. In fact, some could I spare for further developments. But, look. There is this ironmonger store in Theobald Rd managed by two brothers of Indian origin, I figure. It is so old-fashion; there is something odd about the whole thing, the way they look or talk or walk... Don't have any computer but these notebooks to hand write the invoices; and also, a couple of huge binders with prices and discounts typed in nonuniform A4 sheets, stuffed in plastic covers.

They mocked at me because I asked whether or not this product will do the job I need done and they laugh, along with a third customer, "you have to know that, I don't use it, I just sell it". The answer is just too old-fashion, too ridiculous, but I find it sweet. Oh, boy! Had chances today to get crossed for different reasons in different places, according to my normal outbursts but, curiously enough, I did not care. And I felt good.

Too much energy in search for an image, a reputation... What for? That's too old-fashion. I shall think more of myself. And nothing more. Ever, evermore.

While I write this, I listen to this.


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