Friday, June 17, 2011

Make them laugh

It is too late... I was to go to bed NOW without saying good night here. I won't post during the weekend, I'll try to load myself with good things to say on Sunday... .

I can pour one reflection tonight, though, something about which I have though sometimes. You know, when everything fails and vanishes, like your conscience, where else human-like is to remain within you? Some people think we are not people, but I think just the opposite. Human dispossession makes as more human, and you shall sanctify what makes you more human!! If you don't recognize this, you are too selfish, too ungrateful.

Only men and women, apart from some superior animals can laugh, can't they? For those who are ill, with their minds elsewhere, astray, lost, but retain their conscience, there is something you can do to bring life into their eyes. It is something that Reason cannot do.Make them laugh and you will make them happy for an instant.

What do you think? Will it work?

Oh, when you see or hear the sufferer laughing, nothing else really matters.


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