Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The declarations of Alessio Rastiani -a trader, broker or whatever in the London City- at BBC on Monday have traveled round the world in only a few hours: "I go to bed and dream of a recession like this (...); we don't care about it, we make money out of it (...); "the savings of people will vanish" and things of the sort.

It feels pity to me the reaction of the so-called social networks, twiters and facebooks and so: a character like Rastiani is not to be taken seriously. Even more, one tends to think that his presence is somehow orchestrated, planned by some hidden and dark force, opinion-maker. The email I got from J. -oh! quae te dementia cepit?- does not put things in perspective, nor express who this man is, nor even discloses his name, but launches the ball that every trader or broker or whatever shares the opinion of this imbecile. And thus, is there a better way to emphasize a specific cause of the crisis (namely, an agent of the system, being banks, brokers or rich, greed people) that to make up an idiot embracing lively what is only a doodle, what some people wish to believe? Most aggravating, this idiot will, in fact, make lots of money out of it.

In the Spanish TV, about 15 years ago there was this character, the Father Apeles, in quite a hot spot. He was a character born, created and developed by the media and for the media to scandalize in the name of the Church. Naturally, Catholics found him offensive; anti-catholics made him, on the contrary, a useful idiot. And lots of the frivolous got rich.

Rastiani is just an Apeles, a clown, a diabolic toy whose strings someone cunning and evil pulls.

Historically, there was an Apelles: the main painter and portraitist of Alexander the Great. I read that the Romans told the story of a painting (lost today) this man composed of Alexander in his majestic chariot pulling a chained prisoner: the prisoner was the War itself. No doubt, nevertheless, that the megalomania of these two morons match their ample stupidity and the vast immorality of whoever uses their utterances in his own benefit, partially, twisted, dishonestly.


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