Friday, November 4, 2011

The Greek fraud

I read tonight in The Evening Standard that Britain has injected money (or will do it soon, at the tax-payers expense) into the IMF. David Cameron is crystalline: “Let’s be clear; when the world is in crisis, it is right that you consider boosting IMF, an organization founded by Britain in which we are a leading player. No government has ever lost money by lending money to the IMF that supports countries right around the world”.
I am not sure of that, Mr. Cameron. I would not be able to understand this statement unless I guess that, after all, the operation will be beneficial for the UK. Regardless the appearance of “common interest” and underneath the disguise of solidarity, in the current EU fire –aggravated hour after hour by the Greek revelation- every country is trying to save its own ass. How, if not, could be understood the UK Parliament reaction last week?
I know not much about it. However, the case of Greece becomes clear once you learn the true nature of the problem: Greece leaders falsified the balances in order to be admitted in the Euro in 2001. Who did it, really matters. The solution shall be to negotiate the exit of Greece from the euro, investigate, find the responsible and judge the case. All the money poured for help in this process is welcomed. However, money for any other purpose is immoral and prejudicial: why should everybody else pay for the crime of a few?
The question is: out of the endless pieces of news, the media coverage and the 10 o’clock news bulletin, how many know that Greece is in the Euro at the expense of a scam, after swindling everybody else?
An urge of patriotism comes handy here. Some countries did make an effort –honest effort- to be in the Euro: Spain, for example. It was the labor of Jose Maria Aznar Perez who, in 2 years of reforms after winning the 1996 elections, met the requirements to be in the Euro. Have those first 10 years in the Euro been beneficial for the Spaniards overall? I would say: yes.

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