Sunday, November 13, 2011

Silvia & Jaime

I have followed the suggestion of Federico Jimenez Losantos and watched a few video clips of Jaime Bayly and Silvia Nunez del Arco in MegaTV from Miami. I don't know what to think. It is daring and "different" on one side, but... Narrow-minded and excessively narcissistic on another. I guess that his relationship with his young wife Silvia cannot be judged only by what is seen on television. They throw intimate stuff to the audience and try to conjure up rumors, gossip and lies by explicitly bringing thorny issues up and sugar it with comedy gigs and self-based cracked jokes, and playing around, acting around.

It must be a river running underneath them, something more intimate than the standard intimacy. As Harold Pinter once said to Paul Johnson: "What happens inside a marriage is only known for sure by the wife and the husband". This it is, yes.

I don't feel much sympathy for Bayly, though. To begin with, apart from the phony content in it, I don't like the way he treats his wife. There is something obscene about it. The girl is just 21 and Bayly is the only man in his life. How did he meet her? It seems she does not mind or does not notice, but I do. The relationship looks very modern (the girl-writer, 24 years of age of difference, being Bayly a bisexual and having an ex-wife and a previous homosexual relation of 8 years with a man), but it stinks to the old, pure male chauvinism.

Will Bayly be the next person to deceive Losantos?


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