In this state of mine of particular sensitivity, the second example that got me crossed has to do, once again, with privatization, cuts and unreasonable positions.
Next Wednesday will be November, 30, and for such day a strike has been called against Governmental cuts in the public sector. I am not following it very much. It seems, however, that groups of Marxist ideology are really interested, as the pending strike got actively advertised during the UCL demonstration a couple of weeks ago. The Socialist Worker predicts 3 million "workers" in the streets next Wednesday; the balloting process undergone in several unions shows a clear support of the strike from those who voted, although the turn-out is generally meagre.
Around the SOAS patio today, in the University College London, the propaganda has already started. I read this pamphlet: "Eurozone melts down: no cuts, against privatization". And there brings out a map of the "Eurozone" of black color and dripping like it were made of fresh ink. The funny thing is that UK is fully present (although it is not in the Eurozone), Spain is half out of the picture and, of course, Portugal is entirely out... .
It seems obvious that this time the authors of such foetus don't have much money nor any willingness to invest the smallest amount of time to produce something intellectually decent. It seems to me that such propaganda is the product of the typical extremist group. And that is what crosses me. I can understand the drama of officials of the Food and Drug Administration facing reductions, suppressions, remodelations or, directly, receiving a termination notice. But I cannot feel any sympathy for a bunch of kids with nothing better to do, dangerous, showing no empathy to other fellows and with overflowing current bank accounts.
Fuck them!
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