Thursday, November 24, 2011

Offense, first example

I have been quite unproductive for the last few days; quite a few, to be truthful. I feel bad about it. This life of mine resembles that of Harry Haller, I reckon, I mutter to myself. It must be a moment of certain fragility because everything makes me feel crossed easily. And I know nothing good can come out of this.

I take offenses easily. I will give you two examples.

The first one is handed by this Greek guy from the Department, a newcomer, who sent this petition-for-signature email to everybody: " The Greek Government plans to change the public character of NOA [National Observatory of Athens] and convert it into a private institution, to the contrary of the status that other similar institutions have around the world. It also plans to suppress by the next year the annual state funding of NOA by 30 %. (...). If we do not act now it will take several decades to recover and rebuild what we have achieved so far (...).

Oh, God!... Puag, disgusting!

No: what it will take several decades to recover and rebuild is the current state of life in Greece and that of its people. Two or three generations down the stream of life will be paying for the debts of the current generation and the crimes of their politicians and business man, all friends. I don't know if there is any written and immutable law of how "other similar institutions" should be funded by public money, but certainly the status of Greece is not precisely similar to that of other countries. In a list of priorities, if you intend to save social benefits or the health system, at least partially, there is no room for NOA.

It is the usual bullshit, what can I say?... Why is privatization necessarily wrong? Why privatization necessarily means that "what we have achieved so far" will be destroyed?

Privatization is a taboo word, a useful talisman for the cheesy intellectual argumentation in fashion! Privatization  is a narcotic, a mystic word that, when pronounced, automatically casts a spell upon those who listen and gets them out of their minds. A classic case of hypnosis. "Madagascar" and "Constantinople" are such words in Woody Allen's The Curse of Jade Scorpion, for example.

No: what is entirely wrong is that the Greek government lied about the financial status of the country in order to join the Euro with or without harborers and these criminal people are not going to pay for it... How are we preventing then such things to happen again as much as possible?

The savings of so many millions in and OUT of Greece are at stake and one has to listen to such bullshit and propaganda!

The petition comes from here and it has been starting by the NOA itself. Apparently, if you provide your details and email, and you join the site, you can start any petition and as many as you wish. For example, this lady from Colorado started her war against Keeping Up the Kardashians. Every fool has his moment of glory.


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