Sunday, February 27, 2011

110 km/h - 70 miles/h

To my list of "things" we Spaniards have and that we loved and that Franco (yes, Franco)... invented, I have to add today the traffic speed limits. Oh, yes, did not know about it. We already have the Civil Guard, the Social Security, the seaside tourism, the National Identity Document, the extra payment in July and Christmas. And now, this.

Until 1974 there was not speed limits in Spain. The 73' oil crisis drove the set of limits aimed to "save money". I heard that the measure did not help saving money (whatever way you measure this) and also, unfortunately, increase the fatalities. Have not thought why. Some people say that restricting the speed limit because of "saving" is Soviet and totalitarian; to me, that would be too smart for Spain government. It sounds stupid to me, mainly (a stupid imposition perfectly suitable for the greenish stupidity of the city of London); but since the Spanish government is more evil than stupid, there must be something hidden to fuck the common citizen at the end. Who is going to control this?... Oh, yes, and again wasting money, and the attention drawn away from the real important matters.

But, listen to this. The first limit in the 1974 was 130 km/h. The first limit to "save money" was 130 km/h! How fast did people use to drive then with those cars, models from 40 to 50 years ago? Along those roads? On those tires?


A bunch of girls were in the bus as I came home tonight. They ware making such a fuss, that was scary, sad and unbelievable. All I can say is that they were all fucked up, so sad, so sad. But nobody cared, not me. Made me think. Who's going to take care of it?


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