Friday, July 1, 2011

Transformers 3D

This is the first Transformers movie that I have seen. Perhaps, too long, too stupid, too shallow, but had a good time with the graphics, popcorn and the 3D glasses. At the end, this is what movies are about today. It is the same story, and remains as much surprising as usual, no matter how many times is told: the road to progress and improvement is built by free-donors, snipers, isolated individuals. It is the distinction between individuals and the undefined mass. Faithful and determined individuals. Among them, generosity surges from necessity, not as an impending, Utopian obligation.

And the disturbing questions are:
What pushes individuals to behave like this?
What is the essence of our Nature as it depends itself on very unnatural individuals?

Tell me: do you really think that schools can teach children to be faithful individuals with golden hearts?


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